5 Reasons Why We Should Start Paying More Attention to "Matrescence"

Matrescence is a term that may not be familiar to many, but it is an essential concept that deserves our attention. Derived from the word "adolescence," matrescence refers to the transformation a woman undergoes from conception through the fourth trimester. This period involves extensive changes—not just biological, but also psychological, social, emotional, and spiritual.

From the moment of conception, your body begins a remarkable journey. Hormones start to surge, emotions fluctuate, and physical changes become evident. However, the transformation is far more profound than what meets the eye. It's a holistic process that touches every aspect of your being. By delving into the concept of matrescence, we can start to appreciate the depth and breadth of this transformation, paving the way for a more intentional approach to motherhood.

1. Understanding the Holistic Transformation of You

It’s common to track a baby's development week by week through various apps and resources. These tools provide detailed insights into how the baby is growing and changing, but often overlooked is your transformation as a mother. Just as a baby undergoes significant development, you will also experience profound changes.

Matrescence encompasses more than just the physical changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth. It includes emotional shifts, social role adjustments, and psychological growth. For instance, you might find yourself grappling with new fears and anxieties, questioning your identity, or redefining your relationships. These changes are natural and part of the process of becoming a mother. Understanding matrescence will help you prepare for and navigate these multifaceted changes. Understanding this holistic transformation also allows you to better embrace your journey with a more comprehensive perspective, recognizing that your growth is as significant as your baby's.

By focusing on a mother's transformation, we acknowledge that pregnancy and motherhood are not just about nurturing a new life but also about nurturing you, who is bringing that life into the world.

2. Normalize Emotional Challenges

The journey of matrescence is filled with emotional highs and lows. Feelings of ambivalence, stress, or identity shifts are common and normal parts of becoming a mother. By understanding matrescence, you can better recognize that these emotional challenges are a natural part of the transition.

Pregnancy and the postpartum period can be a rollercoaster of emotions. One day, you might feel ecstatic about the new life growing inside you; the next, you might feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities lie ahead. These fluctuations are normal and do not signify a lack of maternal instinct or readiness.

The awareness and acknowledgment of the emotional changes will reduce feelings of guilt or inadequacy that many new mothers experience. It helps distinguish between typical adjustment difficulties and more serious conditions like postpartum depression. Normalizing these emotional challenges opens the door for honest conversations about mental health and emotional well-being. It creates a more supportive environment for you as a mother. Normalizing these experiences also helps partners, families, and communities provide better support, by understanding that the emotional ups and downs are part of the natural process of becoming a mother.

3. Develop Realistic Expectations

Motherhood is often idealized in our culture. Movies, social media, and even well-meaning friends and family can paint an unrealistic picture of motherhood. The notion that maternal instinct kicks in immediately and that every moment with a new baby is filled with joy can set you up for disappointment and self-doubt when your experience doesn't match this idealized image.

Understanding that it's normal to feel overwhelmed or uncertain can prepare you for the challenges you may face. This knowledge helps counteract unrealistic expectations and provides a more accurate portrayal of what to expect when you’re expecting.

By setting realistic expectations, you will approach motherhood with a more balanced perspective. You’ll acknowledge the joy and fulfillment that comes with being a mother while also recognizing and accepting the difficulties and challenges. This balanced view helps reduce the pressure to be the "perfect" mother and allows for a more authentic and fulfilling experience.

4. Empower Self-Advocacy

Pregnancy and motherhood often involves putting the needs of baby first, but it's essential for you to take care of yourself as well. It’s like the well-known analogy on the plane: you have to put your own mask on before helping others. Exploring your matrescence journey will help you identify your own needs and advocate for your well-being.

By understanding the changes you are experiencing, you can better communicate your needs to healthcare providers, partners, and support networks. This empowerment fosters a sense of control and agency, which is vital for maintaining mental and emotional well-being during this transformative time.

Self-advocacy includes seeking out resources, support groups, and mental health professionals when needed. It also involves setting boundaries and asking for help with tasks and responsibilities. Empowered mothers are better equipped to navigate the challenges of motherhood, ensuring they can care for themselves while caring for their children.

5. Foster Personal Growth

Recognizing matrescence as a developmental stage similar to adolescence allows you to approach motherhood as an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. This perspective transforms the experience of becoming a mother into a journey of self-improvement and empowerment.

Adolescence is a time of significant change and growth, marked by identity exploration and personal development. Similarly, matrescence offers a chance for you to redefine yourself, explore new aspects of your identity, and grow in ways you never imagined.

Personal growth during matrescence can involve discovering new strengths, developing resilience, and gaining a deeper understanding of yourself. It can also include redefining goals and aspirations, both personally and professionally. By viewing motherhood through the lens of growth and self-discovery, you can find intentionality in your journey.


Intentionality plays a crucial role in navigating the journey of matrescence. During therapy sessions at Bloom, we focus on how to be intentional about your self-care, seeking support, and embracing your personal growth, so that you can lead your matrescence journey from an place of empowerment, strength, and resiliency. Dr. Hila Sachs’ intentional approach to therapy will help you stay connected to your own needs and aspirations, ensuring you can thrive as an individual while also nurturing your new baby.

In conclusion, recognizing and understanding matrescence is essential for supporting you through one of the most transformative periods of your life. By acknowledging the holistic nature of this journey, normalizing emotional challenges, setting realistic expectations, empowering self-advocacy, and fostering personal growth, Dr. Hila Sachs can help you navigate this transition with confidence and grace.

The journey of matrescence is not just about becoming a mother; it's about becoming a stronger, more self-aware, and empowered individual.


Busting Motherhood Myths